søndag 19. juli, kl 19:00

Boro, japansk lappe-broderiteknikk

Start dato: 13.7.2020

Slutt dato: 19.07.2020

Påmeldingsfrist: 1. juni 2020

Lærar: Claudia Merx

Kursnummer: 2041

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BORO – Textile recycling in Japan during Meiji – Age

Subject: Recycling – reuse – zero waste in textiles

Boro is the general term of old and heavy patched textiles of the poor peasants and fishermen of the northern part of Japan, a very cold and unhospitable region.

Boro textiles were mainly made in the end of the 19th century until about 1920, when Japans borders were open to the world and cotton textiles spread about the whole country.

The time before cotton the peasants took rags of the citizens to repair and stuff the hemp clothings to get them warm and comfortable. They create a variegated and aesthetical look mended of tatters.

In the beginning of the workshop Japanese boro textiles will be introduced by a pictorial lecture. It shows the traditional textiles, the materials and the artisanal skills and methods.

The workshop will instruct the technical and aesthetical kind of creating textiles by recycling and reusing fabrics. Basically you will learn the typical kind of Japanese hand sewing and stitching sashiko by producing the traditional Japanese cleaning rag zokin.

Everybody will sew a furoshiki, this traditional Japanese cloth for wrapping goods is coming up-todate also in Europe.

Highlight will be creating a handmade komebukuro out of patches. This special bag for food offerings during shinto ceremonies owns some interesting technical and aestethical details.

All objects demand creative and skilled manual work.

Moreover the workshop will refer to the philosophical roots of boro relating to the Buddhistic and Japanese aesthetic principle of mottainai – don’t waste anything.

Kurs måndag kl 19 til sundag kl 15. Påmeldingsfrist 1. juni

Mål: Å lære og lage fleire produk i teknikken. 

Ant. timar 42

Spesielle krav: Ingen



Måndag 1900-2100. Fyrst felles informasjon i Vesaassalen, deretter startar kurset på verkstaden.

Tysdag – laurdag: Kurs 0830-1600,

Sundag: kurs 0830-1500,lunchpause 1200-1245.

Materials everybody has to bring

  • Garments handed down, remained cloth – most suitable is cotton fabric, e.g. men’s shirts, quantity. About 4-6 different colored or patternd shirts, in addition pieces of left-over fabrics
  • Thin and thick sewing threads, cotton or polyester, naturalwhite and other colors
  • long stuff and sewing needles of different sizes
  • left over cotton threads of all colours
  • scissors for cutting cloth and threads
  • measuring tape
  • tailor’s chalk or something else
  • sewing machine is possible to integrate, but not necessary

fabrics and threads can be swapped or shared

Claudia Merx will bring demonstration objects, some material, but nothing for selling

Vi gjer merksam på:

• Gjennom Studieforbundet kultur og tradisjon er dette kurset dekka av Kopinoravtalen, som tillet kopiering frå bøker og trykksaker til undervisningsføremål.

• Vi reknar med at deltakar følgjer sikkerhetsinstruksar frå kursarrangør og kurslærar. Kursdeltakar er ikkje dekka av forsikring frå arrangør.

Arbeidsform: Fellesundervisning og individuell rettleiing.

Pris: Kurs kr. 6300,- Opphald og mat kr. 6900,- ( kr 1190,- per døger, kurspakke)

Lærar: Claudia Merx

Atelier Claudia Merx

Strüverweg 116, 52070 Aachen

Mobil 0171 3634626

E-post: [email protected]

[email protected]


Datosøndag 19. juli
Tidspunktkl 19:00 - 15:00